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Picture of AF LAVA SOIL


8.000 KWD‏
Picture of Aquatan Sera 250ml

Aquatan Sera 250ml

تكييف الماء لمياه صديقة للأسماك غنية بالمواد المعدنية يزيل الكلور والكلورامين على الفور يربط المعادن الثقيلة بالمواد المعدنية. يمكن أن تدخل المواد السامة مثل الكلور والمعادن الثقيلة إلى ماء الحوض مع كل تغيير للمياه مما تحتوي على مثل هذه المواد بتركيزات حرجة للأسماك وسكان أحواض السمك الآخرين. تقوم sera aquatan على الفور بتهيئة مياه الصنبور إلى مياه حوض أسماك صديقة للأسماك وصحية. يزيل المواد الضارة مثل الكلور والكلورامين ، ويربط المعادن الثقيلة (مثل النحاس والزنك أو الرصاص) ويحمي من الأمونيا. في الوقت نفسه ، يضيف مواد معدنية مهمة في شكل متوفر بيولوجيًا إلى ماء الحوض ، وهو ما يعود بالفائدة على الأسماك والنباتات واللافقاريات والكائنات الدقيقة المفيدة. وبالتالي يضمن Aquatan الظروف المعيشية المثلى لجميع سكان الحوض. تضمن sera aquatan مياهًا صديقة للأسماك عن طريق إزالة الأمونيا السامة والكلور ، من بين أمور أخرى. هذه الملوثات ضارة وربما قاتلة لكل من الأسماك والروبيان حتى في التركيزات المنخفضة. يلخص الرسم التخطيطي وقت تعرض الأسماك و / أو الروبيان للخطر.
2.500 KWD‏
Picture of Flourish Advance Seachem 500ml

Flourish Advance Seachem 500ml

Flourish Advance™ is an all-natural, biologic growth enhancer for aquatic plants. Its advanced formula contains phytohormones, minerals, and nutrients that dramatically stimulate the growth of both roots and shoots in aquatic plants. Phytohormones are a group of naturally occurring compounds that play crucial roles in regulating plant growth in a wide range of developmental processes, including cell division, formation and activity of shoot meristems, induction of photosynthesis gene expression, leaf senescence, nutrient mobilization, seed germination, root growth and stress response. Used regularly, it also enhances mineral absorption and improves disease resistance. It is non-toxic and completely safe for all plant varieties as well as for fish and aquatic organisms. During the first ten to fourteen days after application, Flourish Advance™ works to stimulate root growth beneath the surface. After this initial induction period, significantly enhanced growth in the leaves and stems of the plants will occur.
7.500 KWD‏
Picture of Flourish Excel seachem 250ml

Flourish Excel seachem 250ml

Flourish Excel™ is a source of bioavailable organic carbon. All plants require a source of carbon. This is typically obtained from CO2, but, may also be derived from simple organic compounds (such as photosynthetic intermediates). The use of either CO2 injection or Flourish Excel™ does not necessarily negate the use of the other. Because the processes of producing photosynthetic intermediates and building onto them occur simultaneously, one can derive a substantial benefit with the use of Flourish Excel™ either alone or in conjunction with CO2 . The combination is particularly ideal for situations when continuing to add CO2 could result in dangerously low pH levels. Flourish Excel™ also has iron reducing properties which promote the ferrous state of iron (Fe+2), which is more easily utilized by plants than ferric iron (Fe+3). The reason plants need CO2 is to produce longer chain carbon compounds also known as photosynthetic intermediates. Photosynthetic intermediates includes compounds such as ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, and 2-carboxy-3-keto-D-arabinitol 1,5 bisphosphate. Although the names are complicated, the structures are quite simple (5 carbon chains). Flourish Excel™ does not contain these specific compounds per se, but one that is quite similar. By dosing with Flourish Excel™ you bypass the involvement of CO2 and introduce the already finished, structurally similar compounds. It is in its structural similarity that Flourish Excel™ is able to be utilized in the carbon chain building process of photosynthesis. Simple chemical or enzymatic steps can easily convert it to any one to any one of the above named compounds (or a variety of others).
4.000 KWD‏
Picture of Flourish Excel Seachem 500ml

Flourish Excel Seachem 500ml

Flourish Excel™ is a source of bioavailable organic carbon. All plants require a source of carbon. This is typically obtained from CO2, but, may also be derived from simple organic compounds (such as photosynthetic intermediates). The use of either CO2 injection or Flourish Excel™ does not necessarily negate the use of the other. Because the processes of producing photosynthetic intermediates and building onto them occur simultaneously, one can derive a substantial benefit with the use of Flourish Excel™ either alone or in conjunction with CO2 . The combination is particularly ideal for situations when continuing to add CO2 could result in dangerously low pH levels. Flourish Excel™ also has iron reducing properties which promote the ferrous state of iron (Fe+2), which is more easily utilized by plants than ferric iron (Fe+3). The reason plants need CO2 is to produce longer chain carbon compounds also known as photosynthetic intermediates. Photosynthetic intermediates includes compounds such as ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate, and 2-carboxy-3-keto-D-arabinitol 1,5 bisphosphate. Although the names are complicated, the structures are quite simple (5 carbon chains). Flourish Excel™ does not contain these specific compounds per se, but one that is quite similar. By dosing with Flourish Excel™ you bypass the involvement of CO2 and introduce the already finished, structurally similar compounds. It is in its structural similarity that Flourish Excel™ is able to be utilized in the carbon chain building process of photosynthesis. Simple chemical or enzymatic steps can easily convert it to any one to any one of the above named compounds (or a variety of others).
5.500 KWD‏
Picture of Flourish Nitrogen Seachem 500ml

Flourish Nitrogen Seachem 500ml

Nitrogen is one of the main three macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium: NPK) required by plants and can often become the limiting factor to growth in a flourishing system. Flourish Nitrogen™ is a concentrated (15,000 mg/L) blend of nitrogen sources. It provides nitrogen in both the nitrate form and the plant–preferred ammonium form. However, no free ammonia is released because the ammonium in Flourish Nitrogen™ is complexed and unavailable until utilized by the plants. Ammonium becomes available after conversion of urea (carbamide). Flourish Nitrogen™ also provides nitrate for those plants that can readily utilize nitrate as well. For maximum benefit, use with Flourish Phosphorus™ and Flourish Potassium™. Flourish Nitrogen™ is safe for invertebrates such as shrimp.
6.000 KWD‏